Thursday, September 19, 2013


While I am reviewing this article before posting it, i felt that i have gone a bit extreme with globalization, but i wasn't sure about that, so please write your opinion if you read the article till the end.

First I would like to write how I see Globalization from my point of view, I apology that it is not going to be a scientific definition. Globalization is a World without Borders or (lines on maps, that’s how I see it), single language, single currency and single law. I don't expect all people to have some culture due to the difference in geographic locations and climate changes. So I expect difference in the styles, subcultures and so some regulation difference. To cut it short I just see the whole world as one country.

So I believe globalization, as a pure concept is a great and I really advocate the concept, but the problem I have with the current globalization thinking is the real motivations behind it and how it is implemented.

I don't like the way globalization is now being forced on different countries, not because I don't like globalization, but because the globalization by the current way (real world way) is forced by multinational company and their primary and most important goal is to increase sales and profit, they are just greedy. These multinational companies are not pushing globalization to reduce unemployment, or to increase cultural exchange and so increase innovation, not to maximize resource utilizations. They are just rushing for more cash by removing trading barriers and customs on products; you can see a lot of countries removing barriers against each other on products but so far I see a very small set of countries removing barriers on human movement, culture exchange and natural resource exchange. And that’s why a lot of people oppose globalization in its current form, it badly affect small and local business, it forces culture shift and not culture exchanges in small and developing countries and yet it doesn't seem to solve unemployment, poverty, educational problems in these small countries.

Anti-globalization movement (counter-globalization movement), is a movement that tries to oppose the current globalization trends by big companies like McDonalds and Starbucks. This movement is trying to aware people about the disadvantage of the current globalization model, how it is going to affect small business owners, make a culture shift probably towards a bad direction like adopting American fast food culture, higher dose of caffeine in a regular cup of coffee.

Another option that I don't agree with but I will demonstrate in this essay, was introduced with someone with military background (US high rank officer), what he dislike about globalization is that it groups “bad guys” together, his opinion is that drug traders, weapon traders, terrorism and cyber-attacks criminals benefit from this border removal and they will group together and make a big thread against single countries with low resources to fight all these combined enemies together. I disagree with this opinion because these “bad guys” appeared because of poverty, unemployment and ignorance spreading that is a result of greedy globalization trends. So they are not the problem that should be fought, they are just the result of multinational companies doing things in the wrong way, so that way should be revised again.

Trying to show the opposite point of view, some Multinational companies like McDonalds, did a lot of improvement in a country like India, when McDonald decided to invest in that country because of its large population. McDonald was committed to work with local suppliers and farmers to source all its requirements and spent 6 years and around Rs. 450 crore to set up the food supply chain even before opening its first restaurant in the country. Such investment lead of a big improvement in India agriculture system, but my question, what if the some India Brand for example IndiaDonalds did take that step instead of McDonalds and did what McDonald did, which would have a better return on India? Can’t India achieve that on its own? Does McDonalds use some of its profit to invest in other sectors in India like R & D, just like it does in USA? In the pure globalization concept the answer to this question should be yes, because after all, we just live in one country.

Hope you don't forget to share your opinion about the way i demonstrated globalization in this articles and Thanks in advance 

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